“Leadership is a gift.

It’s given by those who follow. You have to be worthy of it.”

– Gen Mark Welsh

Steering Committee/Affinity Group

Your Corporate Allies, LLC creates an effective, mission oriented Veteran Affinity Group, which provides a results driven action team to your leaders, your employees, and your community.

Veteran Backbone

Veteran leadership collaboration network that serves as a ‘backbone’ and allows former officers and NCO’s the opportunity to collaborate together in a familiar structure and highly coordinated fashion that reaches across divisions, departments, silos and boundaries.

Improved Employee Engagement 

Volunteers from your existing veteran employees mentor and coach their non-veteran peers on the real secrets of creating high engagement; strong teams through involved and caring leadership.


Discover insights into your existing veteran employees.  Learn about their cultural points of view, their perspective of the level of veteran utilization and how the leadership in your company compares to military best practices, we can provide a measure-based assessment.

A sample of the assessments we provide:

  • Culture Competence
  • Veteran Utilization
  • Leadership Best Practices